About Louise

Louise Keller is a anxiety and confidence coach, speaker, and educator. She works with anxious, ambitious 30something women that feel trapped by their anxiety and confidence issues to help them take control and overcome their anxiety using positive psychology and practical solutions so they can unleash their true potential, build their confidence, and start achieving their dreams and living life to the fullest without years of therapy.

A self-confessed personal development junkie, Louise studied positive psychology, personal performance coaching, neuro-linguistic programming, and counselling skills in pursuit of strategies and solutions that would help her overcome her own crippling anxiety and achieve her dreams. Manifesting as panic attacks, uncontrollable shaking, dizziness, nausea, weight loss, and extreme exhaustion, Louise’s anxiety tried to stop her pursuing her goals Every. Step. Of. The. Way.

Yet in spite of her struggles, after getting her degree in psychology Louise spent five months volunteering and travelling across eastern and southern Africa. She then moved to London and managed multiple non-profit and education programs across England and Northern Ireland for several years before leaving everything behind to build an entirely new life for herself in the USA with her American husband.

Since moving to the US, Louise has qualified as a life coach and domestic violence counselor advocate, earned her Master’s degree in organizational management, a specialization certification in positive psychology from UPenn, and started coaching others on overcoming their own anxiety and reaching their goals.

Louise now coaches anxious yet ambitious 30something women that feel trapped by their confidence and anxiety issues towards achieving their goals, and is regularly invited to speak at professional development conferences, retreats, and workshops. Louise was invited as the keynote speaker on positive psychology for the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce Women’s Network Luncheon.

Feel free to get in touch and say hello!

With love and thanks,

Louise xx

Anxiety & Confidence Coach, Speaker, Educator.

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Certified by The Coaching Academy

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